Using the clicks/applicant chart

Note: This is a classic report. To view classic reports, click the Insights tab in your top navigation bar, and then click the View Classic Reports button in the top-right corner of the Account Insights page.

Account Insights (Updated) (Classic Reports highlights).png

To view the clicks/applicant chart, click the Clicks/Applicant tab on your Reports page.

Classic Reports (8.22.24) (ClicksApplicants tab arrow).png

The clicks/applicant chart shows how many clicks and applications each of your jobs has received during the selected date range. On the right side of the chart, you can see each jobs' application percentage — what percent of clicks on the jobs resulted in an application being submitted. This chart can help you determine which of your jobs are the most attractive to applicants.

Hover over any of the bars in the chart to see the exact number of clicks and applications your jobs have received.


Note: ZipRecruiter does not share click data, so your clicks/applicant data will always exclude that source.

You can use any of the available filters to limit the data you see.

Be sure to select the correct Date Range for the data you wish to view. To view data from a custom date range, click the Date Range drop-down menu and select Custom. Select a Date From and Date To using the calendar picker to define the date range. If you change the date range, click the Update Chart button to apply your changes.


What counts as a click?

A click is counted for every visit to the job apply page. This includes whether the job apply page is visited directly (from your Careers Page) or whether the job description "loads" on a job board partner site (such as Indeed).

How can I use the clicks/applicant chart to confirm my job posting is live on job boards?

We strongly advise against searching for your jobs on job boards to verify whether they are live. Job boards tailor search results to the specific job seeker, meaning your jobs aren't guaranteed to show up in every search — especially since you aren't the target audience. Instead, we recommend using the clicks/applicants chart, which is the best way to confirm that applicants are seeing your job on job boards.

You'll need to wait at least 24 business hours after posting before job boards will begin adding your jobs to their organic job feed. After that, we recommend checking your clicks/applicant chart regularly and setting the Date Range to 7 days to ensure you're looking at the most recent results.

If you still don't see any click data for your job after more than a week, try another method to confirm whether your job posting is live. It's possible your job has been blocked or collapsed among other postings by different companies for the same position.