How to reset your careers page

Your CareerPlug account includes a prebuilt careers page, which is ready for you to use right away to start attracting applicants and where you can direct candidates to apply for open positions. You can configure your careers page to meet your recruiting needs by changing the colors and branding, adding images and links to your business's social media accounts, and more.

If at any time you want to reset your careers page — to clear any existing images, content, and branding — you can easily do so yourself.

To reset your careers page:

1. Click the down arrow icon next to the Careers Page button on your Dashboard and select Edit Careers Page from the drop-down menu.


You can also edit your careers page by navigating to Settings > My Organization > Careers Page and clicking the Edit Careers Page button.

2. Click the up arrow icon or pencil icon to expand each section of your careers page and remove any content or images.


3. Logo: Click the trash can icon.

4. Header Banner: Click the trash can icon and, if present, clear any color from the Background Color (Optional) field.


5. Header Content: Delete any text from the TitleSubtitle, and Description fields and click the Save button.

6. Company Description: Delete any text from the Company Description field and click the Save button.


You cannot edit or delete your Company Name from your Careers Page.

7. Social Media: Delete any links from the Company WebsiteCompany VideoFacebookLinkedInTwitter, and Instagram fields and click the Save button.

8. Image Carousel: Click the trash can icon next to any images, then click the Save button.

9. Perks and Benefits: Delete any text from the Section TitleSubtitle, and Description fields, click the trash can icon next to any benefits in the Perk List, and then click the Save button.

5-310. Testimonials: Click the trash can icon next to any testimonials, then click the Save button.

11. Click the Main Color tab at the top of the careers page editor.


12. Choose a new main color for your careers page, then click Save.

7You're ready to configure your careers page from scratch. When you want to exit the careers page editor, click the Close link in the top-left corner of the page.
